Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Wiring harness


Got started on the wiring harness last night, did a little more tonight. I have the common ground for all the microswitches in and the active wires in for the player one controls:

DSCN2438 DSCN2439

I took a couple more close-ups of the top side of the control deck. The player one controls, the spinner and the trackball, and the coin button!

DSCN2446 DSCN2442

With the player one all wired in I can now try the deck out. I am just tidying up the machine that will be running the emulator, getting the rubbish off it, and getting MAME and the controller configuration programs on.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That looks so messy :) nearly finished, can't wait til you have your weekends back. Sam
