First thing this afternoon was a couple of small jobs that I didn’t get time for when I was working on that part of the build. That is, the door and drawer front trim pieces, and the routed bit to get the joysticks a bit higher out of the deck surface:
Then, after a bit of putty work and a lot of sanding… Paint! I have grey primer on the whole of the outside and the edges:
I got a good thick coat on because I want to give it a really light sand so the black coat rolls on nice and smooth. The edges certainly take a lot of paint.
The last thing that I did just after I got home was to finish cutting out the holes in the vinyl for the buttons and other controls:
Awesome. It feels almost complete. I have the computer at work now. This week I can put in the buttons and get to wiring them up and configuring the controllers.
Not long now!
Looks fantastic, can't wait to see the buttons in there