Sunday, April 24, 2011

There’s a hole…

First things first, small modifications to the plan, including nutting out the spacing for the top buttons. Actually, there were also “on the job” mods to the spacing around the spinner that I have incorporated here:


The idea with the control sets is that they are centred about the midpoint between the stick and the first buttons. They are equally spaced between the sets on that centre, with a little extra for the centre sets (player 1 and 2). It does look like the right most set is closer to the edge than the leftmost, but the centres are the same distance – when you are standing in the playing position you feel like you are all pretty evenly spaced.

Day two this weekend, holes marked out and centre punched:

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Drilling them out in sets, 28mm for the buttons and the spinner, 16mm for the joysticks, one 24mm for the coin button, and a large one at 86mm for the trackball I did with the jigsaw:

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Here is a shot of all them holes:


After a dust off and a shop clean-up I got out the vinyl and the t-moulding for a nice, neat finish to the day:


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Top and a lick of paint

First thing completed today was the console deck frame:

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Then there was a bit of clean-up of the edges to be done, they are planed flush with the sides.

With the frame complete the top can be measured exactly and cut to size. I marked up some layout lines on the control surface, and freehanded some curves on the front:


The last thing today was the slot for the t-moulding, and I painted the edge of the top in preparation for the application of the top vinyl – the last step before I can make the holes and cut-outs for the controls, after that I can take the top home and wire up the controls at home.


Feels good to get a bit of paint on the thing Smile

Next time will be marking out and drilling for the controls, here is the layout for the deck:


Sunday, April 03, 2011


Made some good progress today. I Got the front panels on as you can see here:

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I have the extra bracing from front to back (double width drawer sides) in also. The pocket screws hold the angle join nicely, very solid.

After a late lunch break I finished off the rail around the top, 50mm down from the edge, that the console deck frame will sit on:

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The rail part at the front (the long piece that you see above, plan one the right) is by far the most fiddly piece that I have had to do. With all the adjustments that I am having to make because of the 19mm ply I ended up doing them by marking up the piece off the assembled part of the job. Fits just fine.

So here is where we are at now:


And I can just lift it without putting my back out. Mostly because of the shape and no hand holds rather than the sheer weight, so I reckon that it must weigh in about 30kg. You can push it over if you try, but then again, you can push a fridge over as well.

I’ve left it up on the saw horses (75cm dead lift, great way to finish the day) for a couple of minor glue ups – there were a couple of out of square corners that I needed to patch up a bit.

Next weekend: Measuring up for the top. Will try to get the deck panel cut out and holes drilled so I can bring it home and work on the wiring over the following week. Should be able to do that and get some of the console deck frame started.